// ====================================================================== // W space: Multi star - fractal sound creation tool // (CC) 2009 Jens Koeplinger, http://www.jenskoeplinger.com/P // License: Creative Commons Attribution "Share Alike 3.0 Unported" // http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0 // See main file "wspacemultistarsound.c" for what this means to you! // ====================================================================== // help-wspacemultistarsound.c // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // prints help to stdout printf("This program generates a WAV sound file from the\n"); printf("'multi-star' fractal from 'W space'. Given a certain\n"); printf("convergence percentage (between 0. and 1.), the algorithm\n"); printf("finds the outline of that percentage in the fractal, and\n"); printf("converts it into a waveform, beginning at the right-real\n"); printf("axis, and sweeping the outline periodically counterclockwise.\n"); printf("The waveform is then determined by the projection of the\n"); printf("outermost point of the outline onto the X and/or Y axis.\n\n"); printf("Command line parameters for the multi-star calculation are:\n"); printf(" - Mode (0 = multi-star fractal; default)\n"); printf(" - Base frequency in Herz (e.g. 21.4 for 21.4Hz; default: 50.)\n"); printf(" - Convergence percentage (1. = innermost; 0. = outer; default: 1.)\n"); printf(" - length in seconds (e.g. 10. for ten seconds; default: 5.)\n"); printf(" - 2nd convergence percentage (for sweeps; default: none)\n"); printf(" - Sweep step width (e.g. 0.125 for 1/8th steps, or 0. for continuous)\n"); printf(" *** TEMPORARY: Only 0. (continuous) is currently implemented ***\n"); printf(" - amplitude multiplier (should be 1. or smaller; default: 1.\n"); printf(" - 2nd convergence percentage amplitude multiplier (for sweeps)\n\n"); printf("Example:\n"); printf(" ./calcMultiStarSound 0 60 1 10\n"); printf("This example plays the innermost convergence percentage (1),\n"); printf("on a base frequency of 60Hz, for 10 seconds.\n\n"); printf("Example:\n"); printf(" ./calcMultiStarSound 0 45.5 0.5 7.5\n"); printf("This example plays the outline of the 50%% convergence region (0.5),\n"); printf("which is its jagged outside boundary. It is played to a base frequency\n"); printf("of 45.5Hz, for 7.5 seconds. In order to play the smoother inner\n"); printf("boundary of the 50%% convergence region, select a value just short of 0.5,\n"); printf("e.g.:\n"); printf(" ./calcMultiStarSound 0 45.5 0.499999999 7.5\n\n"); printf("Example:\n"); printf(" ./calcMultiStarSound 0 20 1. 300 0. 0 1 0.1\n"); printf("This example plays the entire multi-star fractal, from 100%% convergence\n"); printf("(1.) to its outermost jagged region of no convergence (0.), to a base\n"); printf("frequency of 20 Hz, for 5 minutes (300 seconds). The step width is\n"); printf("selected 0, meaning continuous (no steps). The amplitude multiplier\n"); printf("at the beginning of the sweep is 1 (i.e. full power), and at the\n"); printf("end is 0.1 (i.e. 10%% of maximum amplitude).\n\n"); printf("A test mode (creating one or two sine waves) is also\n"); printf("available.\n\n"); printf("Command line parameters for test mode (sine wave) are:\n"); printf(" - Mode (1 = sine; 2 = saw; 3 = square)\n"); printf(" - left channel frequency (e.g. 1000 for 1000Hz)\n"); printf(" - right frequency\n"); printf(" - length of sample in seconds\n"); printf(" - amplitude (0 = no sound; 32766 = max)\n\n"); printf("Example:\n"); printf(" ./calcMultiStarSound 1 1000 1200 10 5000\n"); printf("This example creates two sine waves, at 1000Hz and 1200Hz,\n"); printf("for 10 seconds, at amplitude of 5000 (not too loud).\n\n");